I'm sure that I'm not the only one who's seen stuff on social network and thought 'I'll give that a go' and the latest one (the first since this) is Yorkshire pud battered bacon...Well it was all pictures so the name is copyright of me!
I used trimmed up streaky bacon because if you look through the packets you can often find lean slices. I cut the fat off the meatiest bits and oiled up a frying pan to cook the pieces through. In the meantime I decanted half a container of 'Instant pancake' batter to make up. I added salt, pepper and Seasonall and a slug of milk...Use water? Nope! Pancakes are gastronomic slime and a more Yorkshire pudding like mix was the order of the day.
Once the bacon was cooked through I removed them from the heat to cool a little and then lobbed it into the batter, and once covered I put one in as a test. I'd wiped the pan out (and removed the white slime) and it was cool and the batter took about three minutes a side to cook/ batter up/crisp/ go off or whatever the technical term is. Pushing down gently with a spatula helps to make sure all the batter gets some heat if the bacon is a little curled.
Once the pan was warmed I'd suggest about 90 seconds a side because I have to say that one side of some of the second batch was a little dark (but not inedible) as you can see from the picture below. Was it cooked over a fire in a wood? Er no, it was done 'under laboratory conditions' in a kitchen, but it would really work with a trusty Primus Litech non-stick pan. The tasting panel (the family) gave them a big thumbs up...The woods, a Cub camp, on holiday, an easy Sunday morning...All scenarios would get a win out of these.
I was thinking more like Toad in the hole with bacon.... or maybe individual ones done in a cup cake tray.... I will endevor to investigate... unless I forget